Towards Document-Level Neural Machine Translation: Contextually, Globally or Linguistically Motivated? Talk Given at the University of Edinburgh, Feburary 2020.
Neural Machine Translation: Data-Driven or Knowledge-Driven? Talk Given at the University of Edinburgh, Sepetember 2018.
Towards Knowledge-Based Neural Machine Translation. Talk Given at the University of Lisbon, Sepetember 2018.
Advancing Neural Machine Translation with Phrase and Syntax. Talk Given at the University of Melbourne, July 2017.
Neural Machine Translation: Beyond Attention. Talk Given at Google Research, Mountain View, Feburary 2017.
机器翻译的大数据挑战与思考. 大数据优秀青年论坛. CCF BigData 2016.
Machine Translation with Distributional Semantics. Talk given at CJNLP, 2016.
Semantics-Driven Machine Translation. Talk given at CWMT, 2016.
Neural Machine Translation: A Conceptual Introduction. Talk given at Central China Normal University, 2015
Neural Machine Translation: Challenges and Opportunities. Talk given at Nanjing University, 2015
(Lexical) Semantics and Statistical Machine Translation: Hopes, Advances and Challenges. Invited talk given at QTLeap Strategic Project Meeting, Prague, 2015.